我幾投資理念其實都幾古怪同簡單 .. pls allow me to type some chinese
1211 - i support BYD based on their stock price (which i think it's under-value as i think they are going to earn more in the coming future) and their 業務展望 ..e.g. they r going to release 5 different types of cars, the chinese gov has certain 政策 supporting 汽車業 etc .. also compare with the highest price about 80, now 48 sth is quite cheap
1043 - 我係睇中佢既鋰電池生意; 低 PE, 估價偏低(同上), 網上online game 既 revenue,
8046 - 2 點: 3網‘容’合 + low PE ..朋友介紹, 不過我覺得佢無咩成交 ... 想放左佢 ..but u wont be able to see the result of how much it gonna earn from 3網‘容’合 within the next 2-3 years ... so it's for long term investment again..
267 - once again .. 估價偏低, 佢地開發既開採磁礦係前無古人,一但成工佢地既生意maybe 有很大既 impact !! ..and after all ..its still資源 stock ..it will raise in a long run ..
sorry 我打字打得好辛苦..forget about my language ..basically 我新手買投係 base on 幾點 1) low PE + 基本數據分析 2) 'very' cheap compare to its highest price, but at the same times the income of the company isnt really drop..which i believe a company is ' under value' 3) 業務展望, 個公司既生意頭腦,個 idea 有幾dim ..cos i believe in wt Warren Buffet said: buying stock is like buying its business 4) 我做好多 research, 睇好多 news and resources 去 find out if the company's idea is really work ..
其實重有好多點,不過打唔晒 ...!! so 可唔可以比D意見我,我好想同一D有 experience 分享心得 ... thanks man
回覆刪除請問是否 亞倫國際(0684) ??
回覆刪除684 lar :>
截至6月30日的六個月﹐廣汽集團實現淨利潤總計人民幣23.1億元﹐高於上年同期的人民幣6.404億元。上半年收入達到人民幣289億元﹐較上年同期的人民幣206.7億元增長了40%。 該公司建議中期派息每股人民幣0.09元。
last time you mention
於駿威私有化後, 廣汽2010年預測盈利 (RMB) = 24億 (駿威2010年預期盈利) X 62% + 37.6億
= 52.48億
so after the update 上半年 result, any sugestion 偉哥
as I really don;t know how to read their info after merge, what is the 廣汽 estimate 2010 PE?
638 buy it as 2.8, so should keep or sell ar :>
hi 明叔,雖然我覺得684股價會於今年內在創新高,但我自己都不會現價推介684,只是與網友分享有用的資訊。
hi 匿名者,要看大股東股權變化,可以到港交所網站查看,網址是:http://sdinotice.hkex.com.hk/di/NSSrchMethod.aspx?src=MAIN&lang=ZH&in=1
回覆刪除hi chiu, 638我自己打算中長線持有,沒有沽出計劃。期望11月公佈的中期業績會帶給自己驚喜。
請問點解684 每天的成交量咁少(只得幾萬股)?
回覆刪除I calculate HKD 0.99 only...
Can you show the calculation?
Many thanks. Sorry for interruption.
hi 匿名者,我是以加權方式計算廣汽今年的每股盈利,但剛才重新再計算發現計算錯了少許,實際上應是每股盈利1.245左右。
回覆刪除1. 假設廣汽本身業務下半年的盈利和上半年相若,即此部份全年盈利有46億人民幣左右。
2. 假設駿威今年的盈利與上年相若,即全年盈利24億元。由於從9月開始,廣汽可將駿威全數盈利入帳,此部份多出的盈利是 24億元 (預期全年盈利) x 62% x 4個月 (即1/3年) = 4.96億元。
3. 廣汽全年盈利 = 46 + 4.96 = 50.96億元人民幣。
4. 按加權計算廣汽股數 = 39.35億內資股 + 22.1億股 (新發行股數) x 1/3 (年) = 46.717億股。
5. 2010年按加權計算每股盈利 = 50.96億元 / 46.717億股 = 1.09元人民幣 = 1.245港元。
hi 匿名者,汽車股而言,目前估值最低的應是489,其次是2238及2333,故想追入此板塊的話,我會建議以上三隻。當然,基本因素不是決定股價的唯一因素,所以我不敢說1122的股價一定不會跑羸以上三隻。
回覆刪除hi 匿名者,684是一隻較低調的工業股,不是太多散戶認識,而且基於其市值較小,目前10億都沒有,所以一般較大型的基金是不會考慮此等小市值的股票,以致其成交較少。
回覆刪除hi eddie, 事在人為。david webb於10年4月底申報持有2691萬股,但於8月30日申報已持有3026萬股,短短4個月買了335萬股,即平均每個月買84萬股左右。
回覆刪除hi pars, 根據股權披露,今年webb只增持了4隻股,包括684、645、1225及125,以表現計,4隻今年都跑羸大市,當中684及645更是贏幾條街。
回覆刪除hi greatsoup, david webb上年已宣佈不再提供聖誔禮物股,所以也不用猜測他今年的選股。
偉哥你好,我係投資新手,玩左唔到半年..我相信 value investing, 唔想盲目抄股...想做一個 investor, not spectulator...
1211 - bought at 48.2
1043 - bought at 6.5
267 - bought at 16.8
8046 - bought at 0.75
以想都係中至長線投資 .. 可唔可以比D意見我?
btw .. 我最近睇中 197 and 684 ... 197 兩個月升左好多, 我 0.68 果時己經開始留意,依家入會唔會好 dangerous?
also 684, 依家會唔會都幾貴 ?
雖然係 value investing + fundamental analysis + 長遠角度呢兩隻都係低買,但我想听听你意見...
thanks so much
hi jl_777,我相信很多投資新手一樣,初學投資時不知從何入手,故我打算今晚稍後時間另發新文答你的問題。
我幾投資理念其實都幾古怪同簡單 .. pls allow me to type some chinese
回覆刪除1211 - i support BYD based on their stock price (which i think it's under-value as i think they are going to earn more in the coming future) and their 業務展望 ..e.g. they r going to release 5 different types of cars, the chinese gov has certain 政策 supporting 汽車業 etc .. also compare with the highest price about 80, now 48 sth is quite cheap
1043 - 我係睇中佢既鋰電池生意; 低 PE, 估價偏低(同上), 網上online game 既 revenue,
8046 - 2 點: 3網‘容’合 + low PE ..朋友介紹, 不過我覺得佢無咩成交 ... 想放左佢 ..but u wont be able to see the result of how much it gonna earn from 3網‘容’合 within the next 2-3 years ... so it's for long term investment again..
267 - once again .. 估價偏低, 佢地開發既開採磁礦係前無古人,一但成工佢地既生意maybe 有很大既 impact !! ..and after all ..its still資源 stock ..it will raise in a long run ..
sorry 我打字打得好辛苦..forget about my language ..basically 我新手買投係 base on 幾點
1) low PE + 基本數據分析
2) 'very' cheap compare to its highest price, but at the same times the income of the company isnt really drop..which i believe a company is ' under value'
3) 業務展望, 個公司既生意頭腦,個 idea 有幾dim ..cos i believe in wt Warren Buffet said: buying stock is like buying its business
4) 我做好多 research, 睇好多 news and resources 去 find out if the company's idea is really work ..
其實重有好多點,不過打唔晒 ...!! so 可唔可以比D意見我,我好想同一D有 experience 分享心得 ...
thanks man
hi jl_777, 今晚稍後時間答你的問題。
回覆刪除Thanks man,
回覆刪除我叫 Jerry